Monday, November 24, 2014

These missionary kids aren't perfect, but they sure try hard. Yay for a poncho!

Oh my goodness, golly, gosh, I don’t even know where to begin. 

This week was a rollercoaster, quite frankly. It all began with teaching an investigator that was selling chicken, but not like you may expect, chicken. It’s called pechuga and delicious to eat - until I saw how it is sold. It is a chicken torso, bones, blood and all. Someone comes up to the stand on the side of the road (flies everywhere) and asks for some pechuga. The lady takes it and gets out these big scissors and starts cutting away at this chicken and then throws the scissors in this bucket that has a ton of dirt, and is nasty, and then gets out a hefty knife from the same bucket and slices it into a thinner piece and then gets out a metal spatula, but on steroids, and starts whacking away at this poor chicken, seriously, with a vengeance. It’s to get it all flat so that families can fry it in their pan, but oh my heart just stopped a little bit. And then she accepts money with her same bloody, chicken, slimy hands and it is just all in one whole slop. Oh my goodness, I was just a little queasy. 

This week was rough, because my comp and I have had a little bit of a tiff. I don’t know if I’ve told you, but she had a tumor in her head right before the mission and they operated and she’s supposedly fine now, but her head aches at times, especially when we’re in the sun a lot or if she doesn’t eat. (I get cranky if I don’t eat, so I understand that one:)), but because of the operation she has a bit of an imbalance of hormones and is super happy, and we are best of friends, and two seconds later I think I am going to see the hulk come out of hiding. She really is great most of the time, but if I do something wrong or if I don’t understand something, etc… it’s pretty rough. I’ve never heard I’ve done something right from her, so that’s hard for me. Bummer. I have felt very inadequate the majority of this week - well, through Friday. Friday we had comp inventory and well, to put it lightly, we unloaded on each other. It was wonderful, because Monday thru Friday was awful and she didn’t want to talk to me and I felt like a total zero and cried in the street and she didn’t care, and yeah, we shared our feelings. She told me I do a ton wrong and that I don’t obey rules and I told her that she doesn’t have empathy for my situation that I don’t understand a lot of stuff and that I don’t like being whistled at in the street and that I struggle with things and blah, blah, blah. She then got mad at me and said I don’t know how far she’s come and I felt bad and said I don’t want to have bad feelings, just to grow. I really want to be friends and asked her if we could and she said, “No”. Yikes, but after that I cried and prayed with all my heart to my Heavenly Father that things could get better. And then we said our prayer as comps and it was my turn to say it and I prayed that I could show my gratitude for my comp and that I could be better and learn more and ever since, we have been friends. Seriously, since Friday it has been wonderful. I am super duper happy right now, and am grateful.

Today was cambios (changes) and we found out that my comp and I are together for another 6 weeks in the same area. Wahoo! There are big things waiting and we will get to spend Christmas here!!!! YAYAYAY, oh my I’m so happy. I love this area and my comp and I are way close and figuring things out together and it’s so good. Yay!

Just a street where we live.
One fun story is that we were contacting in the street and saw a lady shoveling her garden and figured that we could go help her out. It turns out she’s 83 years old, almost deaf and almost blind, but not bad enough to see that I’m a guera and tell me I’m pretty. Haha ,yes, I love her. :) She’s an inspiration and now we are teaching her and she’s lovely. Maria Guadalupe is her name. Ah, I love old people.

We are continuing to teach Irma, the woman who has rectal cancer. We helped her clean and clear out her house this week and turns out, she has a TON of skirts and dresses that she doesn’t use anymore and was just going to throw them all away. WHAT?!?!? Holla. So basically my comp and I have a new wardrobe of awesome stuff. I HAVE A PONCHO. And I love it. And I found the dress I’m going to give my homecoming talk in. It’s the one that is beige and has a funky design in the front – haha - I loooooove it. But Irma is amazing. She has taught me more than we have taught her. She is so wise through her life. She told us how she was beautiful and pompous when she was younger, but now she has cancer, will lose her hair, her husband has left her, and her sons don’t feel any sense of responsibility. Quite sad, but she said how she is learning humility and that family is what’s most important, quite an inspiration.

I saw Cody Banks on TV and it made me more happy that it should have. I can’t believe I thought he was attractive all those years ago...

All I want in life is a washing machine. Mondays are pretty much all spent washing clothes. That’s all I feel like I ever do. My hands are eternally pruny. Thank heaven for the resurrection with perfected bodies and all that jazz.

Our music night was incredible. Actually way better than I thought it was going to be. We ended up playing everything twice, because everyone liked it so much. We had investigators come and it was AWESOME. I loved it, violins and singing and piano. Yeah, we rocked it. 

Our violin players for the concert.
I am doing very, very well. So happy, love this work, love Mexico, and love the people. And yes we bike every day and bikes are THE BIGGEST BLESSING ever. I seriously love them. 

Mexico is amazing - the people, the food, the climate, everything. I am in love with my mission. It’s super hard and I feel really inadequate, frankly, but I am learning so much and I just love everything. 

Love the kids!

DO YOU GUYS KNOW I LOVE YOU SO MUCH?! Because I do. I think about you and pray for you every prayer, no matter the circumstance. I love you more than life and I love Mondays and hearing from you. I love you my family! Thanks for all the pictures - seriously perfect. I hope you’re happy and that you know I am super happy. I laugh and smile every day and thank my Heavenly Father for all of our blessings, cause there’s a ton. Sometimes we just need to look a little harder. But seriously, don’t worry one iota, I’m SO happy.

Love you to the dark side of the moon and back. 


Hermana Anstee :)

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