Monday, November 3, 2014

If you wear a black wig you speak better Spanish, a scandalous bike ride, too much pride, and the beauty of a simple prayer.

Hola my dear familia! This week has been crazy. The weeks are flying by faster and faster every day and every night I go to bed so exhausted and it’s great! I love hearing from all of you and am so grateful that you write me. My comp shared with me this week that in her eight months of being on her mission, her parents haven’t 
emailed her once. So sad, especially since I am always so stinking excited to write home and especially read emails. So thanks for your love and your letters, nothing means more! :)

So this week there were really great moments and some really hard ones, but I am sure learning to face everything with a smile and focus on the good, because nothing good comes from being sad down here. 

So feliz dia de las brujas! It was crazy down here the past three days and nights. Of course there is the tradition of making the table for the dead, which is really amazing and I sent pics of it and I just love it. But they also trick or treat and dress up. Down here it’s a bit more gory than in good old Utah. There are more creepy princesses and creepy masks and such, but hey, it’s really fun. We actually taught a man named Alejandro in his store and every time I looked up or around or behind me there were devils looking at me... kinda ironic I thought. Haha, but also for Halloween we went to a home for cake (wahoo) and they had wigs of every color you could think of. So I put on one wig that has hair like my comp and she put on a yellow one and we switched nametags and it was hilarious. I felt like I could really speak Spanish for those few moments. Haha jk.

So we had a baptism this week and it was lovely! But on the Monday, before we went to her house, she said that an evil spirit picked her up in the night and held her and she was trying to scream but couldn’t and it was really super duper creepy... and what’s even more, my comp said she experienced the same thing! It’s actually a normal occurrence down here to have spirits in your house and do things to you... but she was, I guess, optimistic about it and turned it into a testimony builder. Haha, but it was freaky since I wasn’t quite gathering all of it, except for evil spirits and screaming and such... so I guess my face was a little pale cause I was freaking out a little and they asked me if I was ok. Haha, the struggle is real.

Yes, I was sick from Monday to Thursday with a sore throat, runny nose and a gnarly cough. So this email may be a little boring solely because not much happened for me this week. I wasn’t really all that present most of the time. But I’m totes fine now! I took Thursday off and hung out with a lady in the ward while Hermana Ortiz went on splits. It was nice and I got a lot of paperwork done that we were behind on. 

One funny thing that happened though, was that my comp and I were riding bikes down the street and I felt something soft at my ankle and I looked down and it was A DOG! TRYING TO BITE MY LEG OFF!!! I screamed and started pedaling faster and faster and my skirt was flying up in my face and very scandalous and the dog was barking and chasing me and my companera was laughing harder than I have ever heard. Haha there is seriously nothing funnier than a girl riding a bike in a skirt in general, let alone with a dog chasing her and her skirt flying in her face so she’s driving blind and scandalous. Take a moment and envision this. Yes. That was me on the way to clean the church for the baptism. Hahaahahaha

Since it’s been Halloween (down here it’s actually on the first of November), they have BLASTED music and our apartment has shook until 1 in the morning every night. Imagine the most classic Mexican music, with the sombreros and yodelish sounding vibrato, yeah... allll dayyyy errry night. I couldn’t help but keep laughing to myself. It wasn’t the music keeping me awake, it was how funny the whole situation was. Bahaha, oh how I love Mexico. It really is so alive and vibrant and the people are thrilled to be Mexicans. Well, most of them. Speaking of Halloween, did we get any trick or treaters? My comp and I went to the door of some people and said treat or message?! You can imagine we got a lot of candy. Bahahaha, the perks of being a missionary.

One interesting thing is that church is a little different here. They bless the oil in sacrament meeting, as well as do all of the confirmations in sacrament mtg. Just different. And yeah! I played the piano in sacrament meeting and it was.... quite the success. It’s really rare that someone plays the piano, so people were a little enamored. It wasn’t even good, and the people are probably just being nice, but it was great. And now to come of it, I am teaching piano lessons to a few members while my comp takes her English test! And because of my song, we are doing a music night where I am playing the piano, accompanying singers with violins and a bass guitar, and it’s gonna be a big missionary experience. Like, a big deal I guess. Hey, hey, hey, wahoo for piano. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but thank you mom and dad for making me practice piano, it finally has come in handy. And tell Ginger her student is now paying it forward and teaching in Mexico. Oh and I’m also teaching English down here. People have a real desire to practice English and it helps me understand Spanish better, oddly enough. They teach me, and we practice English. I love it. People are very open and we have a lot, I mean a lot, of laughs.

Hey Dad - I tried to help put away chairs the other day and a bunch of old Mexican men told me that I couldn’t do it. And then I promptly proceeded to stack as many as I could. 

We also had an impromptu service project carrying HUGE bags of cement down the street and they were SUPER heavy. I went to pick one up and a guy told me I couldn’t do it without help from a guy and proceeded to help me. Then I RAN back to the house, picked one up, and carried it to the truck. The look on his face was priceless. I saw him try to do one by himself and he couldn’t. Bahaha. But oh my goodness, I couldn’t move the next morning cause of my back. I mean, seriously couldn’t move. Darn this pride of mine! But then I said a prayer asking for help to heal and stood up and walked! (like a cripple, but walked) miracles are real. Oh and I’m totally fine now, so don’t worry.

I am loving my mission so very much and learning so very much too. I have so many out of body experiences while we are teaching where I just realize what is going on and how lucky I am to be here. My absolute favorite thing down here is to teach and hear people pray for the very first time. It’s incredible, and the biggest spiritual moment. Yes, they are super short and simple, but they are from the heart and you can feel the spirit so strongly. You can sense a change in them all throughout the prayer. Absolutely amazing and impossible to describe, but I truly am loving it down here. I love biking down the calle and listening to the music and seeing people’s faces when I say, “Buenos dias!” and they see I speak Spanish. Like whaaat? But it is also hard. For example, we didn’t have any investigators attend church yesterday. Bummer. Really, really sad. And I am learning to celebrate the little things I do right on my own. My comp isn’t the most...complimentary person ever (meaning never) and so I am learning to be proud of myself, by myself. But hey, it’s good. My comp is very good at telling me what I need to do better, so I’m trying to learn fast. :)

Well, I am loving life and missing you guys terribly. I hope you know I love you more than life and that you mean the world to me. Thanks for being the best parents ever and it’s so, so, so, so good to hear from you.

Sad to hear Aunt Billie died, that makes me sad. But it’s fun that you got to see the other Brewers. BAHAHAHA, and oh my gosh, that is so funny that dad helped with the wrong casket. So ready to help, as always, even if it’s the wrong dead person. I’m sure they were thanking you from beyond the veil. ;) Hehehe!

When your doll's leg is missing. You don't toss her, you fix it.
To answer your questions: I LOVE the president and his wife so much. They are absolutely amazing. Hermana Egbert is an easy crier and I love her and pres is very, very nice and loving. We had a little issue between my comp and the neighbors and I got to call the president, because I speak English and he was super kind about it. Then I got to go resolve the issue on my own between my comp and the neighbors and it was an adventure. (They were wrongly accusing her of some stuff and she was close to starting a fight, so I calmed the situation and had everyone talk it out. Whew. Gosh I love Mexico.)  Also, we do have a cell phone, but we don’t report in every night. Not a rule and it costs a lot of money, so we don’t. But yes, and it’s an indestructible Nokia. I love it. And lastly, the hardest thing in my mission currently is humbling myself enough. I make a ton, I mean a ton, of mistakes and I need to be more patient and humble to take it all in stride and to work with my comp, who also wants me to know everything now, but I just don’t. So patience and humility are the hardest things for me. But it’s great and I learn so stinking much every day. 

Ok, I love you more than the universe and you are the best parents ever! I think about, and pray for you, every day and I miss you a TON. But I am busy in the work and living it up. Mwah times a million. Can’t wait for next Monday - this is the highlight of my week. MWAH and talk to you next week.

Hermana Anstee

P.S. Oh and I haven’t gotten the package yet, because it goes to Pachuca and we need to wait until I go to Pachuca or until someone comes here for me to get it. I’ll let you know! I’m SO EXCITED!!!!!!

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